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There are unfor­tu­nate­ly only frag­ments left of his Annals, tragedies, and from his prose work Euhe­merus. Ennius has been con­sid­ered the father of Roman poet­ry. Septem Locu­tiones Lati­nae ex Aul­u­lar­ia, Fab­u­la PlautiĮnnius was a writer and poet, as well as a Roman sol­dier from Rudi­ae in south­ern Italy. Sug­gest­ed read­ing in Latin: The Life And Works Of Plau­tus (video in Latin) These plays are the ear­li­est Latin lit­er­ary works to have sur­vived his­to­ry in their entirety. He wrote about 130 plays, out of which 20 have sur­vived. Plau­tus was a play­wright from Sarsi­na in north­ern Italy. He is famous for anger­ing the Metel­lus fam­i­ly with his satire and was ulti­mate­ly exiled from Rome. Nae­vius was an epic poet and playwriter/dramatist. He has been con­sid­ered to be the father of Latin lit­er­a­ture. He trans­lat­ed Greek lit­er­a­ture to Latin but also wrote tragedies and come­dies. Lucius Livius Andron­i­cus, c.284‑c.205 B.C.Īndron­i­cus was an epic poet orig­i­nal­ly from Greece who came to Rome as a slave. The list con­tains Roman authors who wrote works in Latin those only writ­ing in Greek have been excluded. At the end of the list, after the last cen­tu­ry, you will also find a cat­e­go­ry called “Unknown date.” If no exact years are known, but known con­tem­po­raries are, the author has been sort­ed in close vicin­i­ty of said con­tem­po­rary. If only a vague cen­tu­ry for the author’s active years is known, he/she has been sort­ed under that cen­tu­ry. If no birth year is known, but a year of death is, the author has been sort­ed after that in rela­tion to oth­er authors. The authors are, as far as pos­si­ble, arranged after their birth year. The list is divid­ed into cen­turies to make it eas­i­er to nav­i­gate. We’ve includ­ed a few short sen­tences about each author to give you a quick overview of who they were and what they wrote. Here we have gath­ered a list, a chronol­o­gy, of Roman authors who wrote in Latin from the 3rd cen­tu­ry B.C.

  • Roman Authors Of The 4th Cen­tu­ry A.D.
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    Roman Authors Of The 3rd Cen­tu­ry A.D.Roman Authors Of The 2nd Cen­tu­ry A.D.Roman Authors Of The 1st Cen­tu­ry A.D.Roman Authors Of The 1st Cen­tu­ry B.C.Roman Authors Of The 2nd Cen­tu­ry B.C.Roman Authors Of The 3rd Cen­tu­ry B.C.

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